10:00am: Towing Masterclass – Weights, Vehicle Set Up & Combination Safety on the Road
Dave from Weightcheck provides a comprehensive explanation of all the compliance requirements related to mass and weight, detailing where each applies.
Gary from Total Towing Setups addresses all the key issues related to correctly setting up your tow vehicle and RV combination to ensure safe operation on the road.
Jeff from Tow-Ed covers the “Safety Seven,” emphasising the importance of conducting a health check while on the road.
1:00pm: Towing Masterclass – Weights, Vehicle Set Up & Combination Safety on the Road + Loading Effects on the Caravan
The Towing Masterclass Team will provide our audience a chance to volunteer to get hands on with the demonstration in this session! Try out loading the demo caravan and see, in real time, how loading a caravan will effect the on road performance.
Both of these sessions allow time afterwards to chat to the experts. Was there something you wanted to know more about from the presentation? Not a problem! Stick around afterwards to speak with Dave, Jeff or Gary about anything towing related!