
Safety and Weight Inspections

Are your caravan & vehicle weights legal?

Caravanning Queensland in collaboration with the Queensland Governments’ Department of Transport and Main Roads, are pleased to offer free caravan weight and safety inspections at select locations around Queensland.

What to Expect

Your inspection will involve your car and caravan being weighed, both coupled and uncoupled, which will then provide you with an accurate assessment of your combinations’ weights. A visual inspection of your caravan and vehicle will also be conducted, looking at number plates, trailer lights, mirrors, nuts, bolts and shackles.

What happens if your combination is found to be overweight?

Inspections are conducted on a voluntary basis and therefore there are no fines or breaches issued. The activity is 100% educational. Queensland Caravan Industry experts will be available to assist you with any weight or safety issues that may be found.

How to Participate?

Click on the blue ‘Subscribe’ Button, provide your contact information and choose your preferred location. You will then be in the loop to receive notifications when VANSafe Qld activities have been confirmed for your chosen location.

IMPORTANT – inspections are very popular and very limited. Not all locations will have an opportunity for inspections. By subscribing to VANSafe Qld, you must understand that you are not guaranteed to receive a free inspection. Should you have an urgent need to have your RV combination weighed, then please make contact with us so that we can put you in touch with a member of Caravanning Queensland who can perform the inspection at your own expense.

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